Finding the right place to live


a graphic of a house and a magnifying glass

Finding the right place to live after you leave care can be daunting and uncertain. You might ask questions like “Where do I want to live?” “Can I stay with my foster carers?” Can I find a place which is close to work?” “Will I be able to afford it? How can I get a council house?” “I’m not sure if I’m ready to look after a whole place of my own.” But, it can also be a really exciting time, with more freedom to choose where you live and who you live with.

Your social worker and PA will help find you different options for where to live when you leave care at 18. This happens through your Pathway Plan.

If you live with foster carers at the moment, one option might be for you to carry on living with them after you turn 18, through what’s called a ‘staying put’ arrangement. This needs to be agreed between yourself and your carers. Once you turn 18, they are no longer legally carers, but instead you have a tenancy agreement with them.

Staying put arrangements mean you can build up your independent living skills gradually after you become an adult, giving you more time to prepare. To find out more about staying put and if it would work for you, speak with your PA and they can look into it for you.

You may consider moving out and living independently. This might be renting a place from a private landlord, including house shares. Or you might apply for a council house or housing association property. Your PA can help you register and apply for affordable housing on Devon Home Choice or look for something in the private rental sector.

If it’s right for you, you may move into supporting living accommodation, which can be a good stepping-stone into living completely independently as an adult. Usually, you would have a private bedroom, but with a shared kitchen and living space. There is a key worker on hand to help you develop your independent living skills.

After you turn 18, you may instead want to move in with family or friends. Your PA can help you arrange this and make sure it works for you. Remember though, if you move in with family, it can affect how long you’re able to still receive support from the local authority.

Useful resources

Below are some useful resources to help you plan where to live after leaving care: